Happy Thanksgiving + My Black Friday Philosophy

First off, let me wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you're enjoying it with friends and family and a full belly, I am!
Now, on to this week's topic, Black Friday. Many people love it, while others think it’s ruining Thanksgiving. I wanted to share my opinion, because Black Friday has been helping keep my holidays stress-free for years.
First off, I agree that leaving family dinners early or putting shopping ahead of spending time with loved ones, isn’t cool. It’s important to set priorities. Family First.
Now, it’s important that you do your “Black Friday” homework so you know when and where you are going to get your best deals. I write down everyone on my list I need gifts for and set a budget for each. Once I know who I need presents for, I can get to work and see which stores and brands are offering the best deals.
I love online shopping and so much of Black Friday’s deals are online, which is making this even easier. I really focus on getting everyone done this weekend. If I devote this one weekend to holiday shopping I can really enjoy the holidays. It gives me the whole month of December to be present with my friends and family, and who doesn’t want that?!
Here’s to getting it done and enjoying the holiday season,

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