Heal the World

This week on the blog I’m sharing something very personal and close to my heart. Some of you might know my passion for truly making a difference on this planet, whether it’s through mentoring or volunteering. But the one cause that I have been passionately working towards is the environment.

I feel so strongly about treating and leaving our planet better than we found it and I want to use this blog as a place to educate more. So many of the people I talk to about issues involving the environment don’t know what we’re up against, and either did I!

For my first blog on the topic I want to share some facts that you may or may not know about plastics and their affect on our planet. I hope this opens your eyes and ears to small ways we can all help.

Let me know what you think below, and let’s get this conversation started!
Til Next Week!
A Few Facts:
6.74 GALLONS of water are used in the production and transportation of a 1-liter water bottle
90% of ALL the TRASH on the ocean surface is plastics with 46,000 pieces per square mile
More than 800,000 metric tons of POLLUTANTS are released into the air during production of plastic water bottles
Consumers trash 24 BILLION plastic water bottles each year just in the U.S.
1 MILLION seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals die from entanglement or ingestion of plastics
119 BOTTLE CAPS were discovered in the stomach of an albatross that was found dead in Hawaii
1,588 plastic water bottles are consumed every SECOND in the U.S. alone.