Tidying Up

I’m a big fan of tidying. I love clean white space, especially when I work. There is no doubt that Fall has a certain energy for fresh starts and newness, but I like to get a little head start right before summer is about to end. That way I won’t feel overwhelmed in the coming weeks.
I want to share some tips that help me ease into a cleaner space that doesn’t feel like I’m doing that much work. A little bit at a time over a week is how I usually work but find the right balance for you.
Have A Clear Idea - Having a vision for how you want your space to look is important, so you have something to work towards. Be specific, create the perfect scene in your head.
Categorize - Breaking up the job into themes or categories is really helpful. Looking at the whole picture can feel like a lot, but breaking it down into chunks will feel really doable in short amounts of time.
Empty First - I have tried to do this both ways and I’m telling you, you have to empty out the clutter first. It’s very tempting to try to organize things in the drawer, or cabinet, or closet, but the job never really gets done until you empty it out and get a good look at everything.
Fill Empty Spaces with Joy - I got this tip from Marie Kondo (the queen of tidying) and she talks about adding things that bring you joy. Not just adding junk. I love adding framed pictures, potted plants, art that has a meaning to me, etc.
I hope this helps and possibly gives you a little motivation while you’re enjoying these last few weeks of summer.
Till next week,