MARCHing into 2017

Yes ladies and gentleman we are almost at the end of the third month of 2017. Can you believe it’s March?! And more unbelievable that it’s almost over?! If you’re anything like me, these past few months have flown by. I always make a little reminder in my calendar to take a beat around this time to conduct a little check-in.
I want to review my goals that I set in the first of the year, see where I am at. It’s easy to get lost in the day-to-day actions and routines that we have created. I have to look at what has been working for me and what hasn’t. Some of the questions I ask are:
Am I making any progress towards my goals?
What kind of progress?
Are my goals making me feel overwhelmed?
Do I still want to accomplish these goals?
It’s important to ask these questions, I have found, because in January we are all filled with hope and huge amounts of motivation. But now that we have settled into the year a little we can get a better grasp of how and if we can truly accomplish everything we set out to do.
A huge thing to remember here is not to beat yourself up about where you are with your resolutions. The awesome part about this little check-up is that it’s only March! You have nine more months to get your butt in gear and make those goals a reality. If you need some motivation to get that second wind below is a little video I found that has some great points about setting goals.