Step It Up

Ahh January, the month for goal setting and radical changes. This month can be a tricky one for our confidence, because we make big lofty goals and sometimes we don’t follow through. I have been talking to some of my girlfriends and a lot of them are talking about up-leveling their career goals and really going for it in 2017. This makes me so happy, and I want to offer some of my personal advice around this topic.
But this won’t be advice about how to negotiate a better salary or different title. Today I want to talk about how we present ourselves in the office. I have always been a huge believer in dressing for the job you want not the job you have. If you want to be taken seriously, then show up for work like that.
I take a lot of pride in my appearance, I don’t think it’s superficial. Taking the time and energy to look and feel our best will pay off large dividends for our confidence, and don’t we all want to have more of that.
This doesn’t have to be a huge time commitment or cost a lot of money. I am talking about laying out your clothes beforehand, making sure they’re pressed and clean. When in a pinch I love to use my hair dryer to knock out any little creases. I also believe that lipstick is the ultimate upgrade. You will look immediately polished and professional in a shade that fits your coloring and style. It’s just about going that extra mile to show yourself and your boss you’re ready for the next step. You can do this.
All my best,