That’s a Scary Thought

With Halloween right around the corner, you know what that means…gift giving season is here. I have always believed that November is the perfect time to get ahead of your holiday shopping list. By the time December rolls around the stress is on and we feel overwhelmed with holiday parties, decorating, cookie baking and all the other fun stuff we love doing.
Now is the best time to check off your favorites ladies on your list with a gift that has a lot of thought behind it.
I get the question every year around this time, what’s the perfect piece of jewelry for my mom, sister, daughter, aunt, best friend, etc. So, I decided to get ahead of it this year and I put together a little list of the best pieces of jewelry to buy that will work for everyone!
These pieces are literally the pieces I make every year that never fail me or my clients in impressing loved ones. There are a few pieces in every category, so start browsing and get ahead of the holiday stress with some fun early-bird shopping.
Til Next Week,